
WHY E.N.G.A.G.E for Education?

To realize lasting and meaningful change you need to do it yourself and, here’s the paradox, you need help to do this work on your own. We’re here to help.

Whatever your role in education there is much work for you to do. We have the network to help you create the conditions for your colleagues to join in.

Take advantage of our NETWORK to help build your NETWORK.

  • ENGAGE serves to bridge an organization’s creative life force and its executive function.

  • We build cultures where everyone’s obligation is to seek problems and illuminate them from contradictory professional perspectives.

  • We form collaborative teams and provide the time, the space, and process to develop, explore, and investigate seemingly absurd propositions.

  • We develop the skills to try, to critique, and to reflect.

  • We apply the wisdom born of experience.

  • We share and scale the well founded solutions that emerge.