Make Schools Better™
Make Schools Better™
Innovation has 3 dedications: Time, Space and a Process
Since 2016, E.N.G.A.G.E has provided educators the opportunity and permission to reimagine the conventional school structures of fixed class time periods and isolated subjects.
We work with clients to design and facilitate INSPIRATIONAL Events. We begin with a provoking question like - ‘What would you do if you could teach with no subjects, and no periods?’ The challenge put to school staff is for a full cohort of students and teachers to immerse themselves in a new way of ‘doing’ school - all day every day for a full school year. Students achieve regular school credits. This is not a special “genius hour” or an “extracurricular club”, but authentic learning all day, every day, throughout the full school year.
While encouraging risk-taking the program stays ‘inside the box’ of strict curriculum standards and respects and upholds all existing collective agreements with all staff.
Everyone learns, through the iterative evolution of this initiative, how the education ‘box’ can continually be reshaped and reimagined.